Dacula, GA

    (770) 605-5425

About Us

Our martial arts school was founded and, since then, we have offered the following in the Dacula, GA area: (click to learn more)

Our professional staff are trained to ensure our martial arts programs are safe, effective and fun — and that everyone is treated with dignity and shown respect.

Building self-confidence is an important goal in all we do so our training emphasizes encouragement and positive correction.

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Our staff includes the following individuals:

  • Master Tony Chung
  • Benson Kyosahnim
  • Beedles Jyokyonim
  • Cantu Jyokyonim

About Our Martial Arts School

Our expertise is in martial arts, self defense, physical fitness, weight loss, bullying, family safety, child safety, character development, self-esteem building, life skills, self discipline, leadership development, fun birthday parties, and after school activities.